Saturday, August 2, 2008

Sweet alternative

I just enjoyed a lovely dinner when a friend came over tonight. We had a variety of things, including seeded cruskits, white bean dip, salad, pickles and some stuff for the two (including BF) omnivores.
Unfortunately i forgot to take photos - woops.

Anyway I bought a cookbook today - haven't bought one in ages (vegan cookbooks in NZ normally come from the US which adds to the already high price of books, so I tend not to buy them).
But I found this book on sale called 'sweet alternative' - more than 100 recipes without gluten, dairy and soy. I'm okay with gluten and soy but have some gluten-free friends, so it would be great to find some yummy recipes.
Eggs are used in the recipes in this book but I have my trusted egg replacer which is gluten free, so I'm all set... :-)

And I am in cupcake mood anyway so I might whip up some yummyness sometime next week. With photos and all that...

1 comment:

KP said...

That book sounds great! I've been wanting to try some gluten free recipes myself!

Thank you for your comment! I've never tried peanut butter in hummus? But I love peanut butter in just about everything! Does it replace the tahini?