I found it in the July issue of Shape (American issue) and oh my god I am just going crazy here - that's how good it is. The secret ingredient is Avocado and to be quite honest, I had my doubts at first but I thought I might as well try it. And thankfully I did. Unfortunately I haven't got a pretty picture because I just stored it in the fridge in a plastic container due to the lack of a nice piping bag to make little flowery-type dollops, but never mind, it's delicious anyway.

So here's the recipe:
It's very creamy and rich so it's probably enough for 6 people. If you're trying it, you might want to half it. However, it apparently keeps for a week in the fridge (well certainly not where I live hehehe) and 1 months in the freezer so I put 2 portions straight in the freezer (chocolate mousse ice cream anyone?) and 3 portions in the fridge. 1 was devoured straight away (OMG!!!)
- 2 large Avocados --> scoop teaspoon-fulls into a mixing bowl; add
- 155ml (1 cup 2 Tblsp) maple syrup
- 3 Tblsp agave nectar (the original recipe asks for organic evaporated cane juice but that's to complicated for me hehe)
- 2 Tblsp coconut oil (melted)
- 2 Tsp vanilla extract
- 1 Tsp balsamic vinegar (no joke)
- 1/2 Tsp soy sauce (no joke either but I might omit this next time)
- 1 cup good cocoa powder (I only had 200mls left but that was enough as well. I bet more wouldn't do any harm though hehe)
Blend all the ingredients apart from the cocoa. Sift cocoa on top, stir in slowly (do avoid the cocoa 'dusting' everywhere), then blend in fully. That's it! It is quite creamy and dense, so next time I will try beating it with an electric whisker to get some more volume into it and make it a bit fluffier, but gosh, the taste is divine either way!
The magazine recipe had raspberries as a serving suggestion which looked very pretty. I could also imagine, piping the mousse onto a plate in some kind of pattern and then serving it with something like banana slices (banana split anyone???) or so. I'm not quite sure whether the berry combo would work for me, but do give it a try.
The recipe was from a women called Renée Loux.
Now I hope, you'll all run to get some avocados. If you don't, no you have to!!! :-)
All the best and enjoy the mousse!!!
8.30pm: I have just tried some of the frozen mousse. I can't quite make my mind up which is better, frozen or just chilled, it's both divine!
Here some pics of the bounty from the vege market this morning. I paid around NZ$35 for it, which is aroun 17 Euros or $24 US.

(Excuse the eggs, I don't eat them but my darling BF does, so at least by buying free range from a farmer, I feel a bit better about it hehe)
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